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빛으로그린그림/사진 D300

조리개와 셔터스피드의 이해 초보만클릭 고수클릭금지

한아름정원 2010. 7. 7. 09:22

 Shutter and Aperture  <셔터와 조리개>
Basic f-stop and shutter - Adjust the camera settings and examine the results to understand the relationship between shutter and aperture.



 Film Speed<ISO 100과 ISO 400비교>
Learn about film speed - Shoot the same scene with two differant film speeds and compare exposures side by side.



 Camera Shake<광각과 망원의 비교>
Learn how to spot and avoid camera-shake - Compare wide-angle and zoom examples side by side.



클릭 ->  http://www.photonhead.com/simcam/